Rejus Wins Grounds Maintenance Contract for New City Electrical Building

by Rejus, 11th October 2021

The new building and grounds City Electrical will be moving to. Image Credit: Google

City Electrical Factors (CEF) are scheduled to soon moved into a location near Doncaster City Centre that hasn’t been occupied for half a year. They reached out to Rejus to quote for the works clearing the grounds.  

As you can see in the above image, the new City Electrical site has overgrown around the perimeter, and various works will be carried out to make the site presentable and compliant, including tree surgery and shrubbery trimming. Alongside this, litter picking will of course be taking place during the maintenance.

The overgrown grounds have made way for an increase in rodents on the property. The dense vegetation has allowed for the comfortable habitation of the unwanted animals. As part of our ground’s maintenance service, we’ll be clearing the dense plant life away, making the grounds less hospitable for the unwanted guests.

Following these works Rejus will be planting new flower beds along the outside of the parking lot, improving the aesthetic appeal of the new lot for City Electrical. The client has also opted for the use of wildflowers on the new bedding in order to make the area habitable to bees, an eco friendly move which is designed to encourage the repopulation of the insect.

The company reached out to us in early September, we responded quickly and have been working back and forth with City Electrical since to determine the best package to get their new grounds up to a standard they’re happy with. We recently won the quote and works are scheduled to begin shortly.

We’ll be sure to show you a before and after comparison once the works are completed.

To find out more about our Grounds Maintenance Service click here.