Rejus Provide Emergency Replacement Cleaners to The Point

by Rejus, 24th November 2021


Due to multiple instances of cleaners having to step down due to the illness, The Point reached out to Rejus is early October to provide emergency support cleaners.

Starting as a hub for creativity and the arts, the Point soon developed its most well-known output, the registered charity ‘darts’.

‘darts’ provides free art focused entertainment and activities to schools across South Yorkshire, while also being open to families and the elderly in the form of workshops and lessons. The activities, usually around creating art and music, explains the popularity of ‘darts’ within Doncaster.

In The Point’s own words, “from music to visual arts, we provide creative activities for people of all ages to enjoy”. It’s a unique and popular charity, and Rejus were happy to help such a brilliant establishment.

Due to The Point’s own cleaners having to step down due to the above-mentioned illnesses, Rejus will be supplying The Point with 2 cleaners, working 15 hours a week each, for the next few months.

The cleaning is a bespoke commercial services package, encompassing areas of kitchen cleaning, toilet cleaning, office cleaning, alongside covering areas in the hallways and meeting rooms. The trained cleaning professionals will be handling everything from stain removals to surface sanitisation, ensuring The Point can remain safe and looking great for public use.

Thanks again to The Point for reaching out, we’re looking forward to working with you.

To learn more about our cleaning services, click here.

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